The Best Time To Plant Your Roses

As you David Austin Rose lovers are planning your new rose purchases we thought we’d post a few tips to help you get the most out of your roses. We’ll follow this post up over the coming weeks on another post of how to plant your roses.

When To Plant Your Roses:

Aside from times of extreme weather, roses can be planted at any time during the year. The extreme weather conditions that we advise against planting in are when the ground is frozen, water-logged or during a drought. Often people ask, ‘when is the best time to plant’, but as long as you avoid the conditions mentioned, there really is no one best time to plant.

Where To Plant Your Roses:
Roses are extremely versatile and hardy plants that can be planted in a variety of positions and locations in the garden. When selecting a planting location, we recommend you consider the following points to ensure the rose thrives:

1. Ensure plenty of sunlight:

Roses thrive on direct sunlight. For best results, a minimum of four hours of direct sunlight is recommended.

However, even when planted against a north wall (meaning no direct sunlight) roses can still perform well.

In hot locations we advise to plant roses in partial shade, where they will benefit from cool shade at the hottest time of the day (first half of the day) this will avoid scorching and other damage caused by prolonged direct sun.

2. Avoid intense competition from other plants:

The closer you plant your rose to other plants,the more competition there is for moisture and sunlight.

For best results, plant your rose 1m away from other plants and 60cm from other roses.

3. Avoid very exposed, windy sites:

Strong winds can cause the base of the rose to loosen in the soil. This will result in your rose rocking in the wind which will lead to it growing at an angle, which in extreme cases will kill it.

If you find this problem with a rose you already have, make sure you firm the soil around it. In some cases a stake may be necessary.

Happy gardening until the next time.

If anyone has any other tips they’d like to share please post a comment…..

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